Agenda item

Inclusion and Diversity - Update

The Panel will be given an update on progress in respect of Year 2 of the Council’s Inclusion and Diversity Strategy and Action Plan 2017/21. The Annual Report for 2018/19 will also be presented.


Contact Officer: David Bundy – Corporate Policy Officer, Strategy and Policy Team

Tel: 01484 221000


(1) That David Bundy be thanked for the progress report in relation to the Council’s Inclusion and Diversity Strategy.


(2) That the positive progress being achieved, including the Bronze National Inclusion Standard Award received in September 2019, be welcomed


(3) That consideration be given to the integration of the workforce profile data with the work being done in terms of wellbeing, to assist in identifying any potential gaps in support for any particular group.



The Panel was given an update on progress in respect of the Year 2 Action Plan as part of the Council’s Inclusion and Diversity Strategy 2017/21. The Council’s draft Annual Report for 2018/19 was also presented.


In introducing the reports, David Bundy, Strategy and Policy Team Manager, highlighted the Council’s achievements and future areas of focus in respect of:

·         A committed and diverse workforce.

·         Positive and inclusive approach.

·         An organisation intolerant of bullying, harassment and discrimination where poor behaviour is challenged and tackled.

·         A partnership approach to support resettlement and integration.


He also reported on a number of key additional activities and initiatives that had taken place throughout the year, which had helped to achieve progress in relation to inclusion and diversity.


In September 2019, the Council had achieved a Bronze Award under the Inclusive Employers’ National Inclusion Standard. This had been assessed by an independent panel and had been Kirklees first submission. The feedback report provided the Council with a useful baseline performance assessment on its areas of strength and those areas where it needed to focus on improvement. This would be used to shape the Year 3 Action Plan.


Members commented that:


·         The report and the progress being made was welcomed.

·         Notwithstanding that they were not a prescribed group, not enough data was captured in respect of working carers. There had been an increase in numbers and the Council needed to consider how it could support them.

·         It was considered that the information, training and support to address harassment, bullying and discrimination in the workplace should also make reference to, and be made available to, Councillors.

·         It would be helpful if the officers compiling data in relation to wellbeing were able to integrate this work with workforce profile data to identify any gaps in support for any particular group.


In response to questions, David explained that:

·         There was an active wellbeing network which organised events and provided support and guidance. He stressed that the culture of the organisation needed to ensure that people felt able to ‘declare’ issues such as a need for mental health support. He undertook to take this back for consideration by the wellbeing network.

·         There was still some work to do to correct the disparity between the representation of each of the group within the Council’s workforce and volunteers with that within the local population as a whole. It was recognised that a more diverse and inclusive workforce could assist organisations in delivering innovation and improving service delivery.

·         The Member Officer Protocol had been highlighted to Councillors and officers and had been part of the work of the Democracy Commission; but perhaps still needed to become embedded.


It was suggested that key elements could be incorporated into a poster to act as a reminder of conduct and behaviour and that information about the protocol might be included within the New Councillor Induction Programme.


In terms of engagement with Unions, Councillor Turner explained that there was a pro-active approach with regular meetings taking place, information sharing, and dialogue on issues at an early stage.




(1) That David Bundy be thanked for the progress report in relation to the Council’s Inclusion and Diversity Strategy.


(2) That the positive progress being achieved, including the Bronze National Inclusion Standard Award received in September 2019, be welcomed


(3) That consideration be given to the integration of the workforce profile data with the work being done in terms of wellbeing, to assist in identifying any potential gaps in support for any particular group.


Supporting documents: