Paper petition details

Kirkheaton Library - Maintain Current Level of Staffing

The Friends of Kirkheaton Library need your support to petition Kirklees Council to maintain the current level of staffing and funding for Kirkheaton Library.

Kirkheaton Library currently receives five paid staff support per week. Our volunteers step in at other times to open and run the service at the Community Centre.

The Friends of Kirkheaton library need your support to ensure that the library at Kirkheaton Community Centre continues to be staffed and funded by Kirklees Council.
We are very concerned that at the Kirklees Council meeting on 20th February 2024, a proposal was put forward to turn Kirkheaton Library into a Community Managed Library, withdrawing financial support for rent and qualified staff. We believe that the proposal is neither viable nor sustainable.

This Paper petition ran from 11/06/2024 to 09/09/2024 and has now finished.

703 people signed this Paper petition.