Paper petition details

Re-open Batley Baths

Consider re-opening Batley Baths via Asset transfer or similar to Downs and Special Friends Group of Batley. In the Downs & Special Friends we are committed to restoring Batley Baths to its original usage, but also enhancing its role as a central hub of inclusivity, wellness and community spirit. Our plan is both solid and meticulously thought out with the primary aim of benefiting everyone in our community.

How will we do this: - Downs and Special Friends are prepared to take over the day to day running responsibilities of Batley Baths, be it the possibility of an asset transfer or other options. We understand the significance of this facility and are committed to ensuring its smooth operation and sustainability.

We envision an array of services designed to cater to diverse needs including an adult daycare centre , specifically for children with Special Needs offering a safe nurturing environment where the adults can thrive, engage in end reaching activities and build meaning full connections. This centre will be a place they can truly feel at home. We plan to create an inner garden and peace area within the Facility. This serene space will serve as a sanctuary for all visitors offering a tranquil environment for reflection and relaxation and means the hustle and bustle of daily life.

One option is to use vertical farming systems to grow vegetables and fruit which will keep adults and school children engaged

We propose reopening the swimming facilities for School Children during the day. Outside of school hours and school holidays the pool will be open to the public proving a welcoming space for families and individuals to enjoy.

We plan to transform the current gym into a vibrant café that will be run by children with special needs. Access to work grant will help the Adults with Special needs in their job.

We also plan to add a spa facility to the existing sauna and steam room.

These additions will attract a wider audience and will contribute significantly to the facilities income and provide our community with a comprehensive wellness destination.

Funding conversations have already taken place with several key stake holders including the locality, the National Lottery, local businesses and high net worth individuals. If you believe in our place we invite Kirklees Council to provide the grant funding. We are planning on fundraising activities once we receive the councils go ahead

In summary we plan to open Batley Baths and not just as a swimming facility but as dynamic hub of activity, inclusion and wellness. With the Councils support we can turn this vision into a reality.

We would like the council to consider the proposal and work with us on this project

This Paper petition ran from 02/08/2024 to 31/10/2024 and has now finished.

3323 people signed this Paper petition.