Outside body

Children and Young Peoples's Partnership Board (formerly Children's Trust)


The Children and Young People Partnership was re-launched in 2019 to create a forum for those who work, live with and care for children and young people in Kirklees. It brings together our collective insight, expertise and resources to collaborate to achieve the best start for children and young people.


The Children and Young People’s Partnership identifies priorities to support good outcomes for all children. This work will help close the gaps in children’s inequalities and their life chances, enabling young people to be happy, resilient, safe and able to contribute and achieve.

The Partnership works with all children aged 0 – 19, and up to 25 for vulnerable young people like care leavers and those with special needs and disabilities. The Partnership:

*Works restoratively – with not to or for

*Listens to and values children’s voices

*Shares power and responsibility across sectors and agencies

*Provides challenge and support to hold each other to account

*Celebrates and serves the diverse needs of people and places in Kirklees.

Contact information

Mary White - Email: mary.white@kirklees.gov.uk

Children's Partnership Board
Civic Centre 1
High Street

Our representatives