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Document 6 October 2015 Relevant Papers - Draft Local Plan
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6 October 2015 Relevant Papers - Draft Local Plan
Library view options
Draft Local Plan Strategy and Policy Document (2 MB)
Draft Local Plan Allocations and Designations (3 MB)
Draft Local Plan Policies Map - Kirklees North (S1) (4 MB)
Draft Local Plan Policies Map - Kirklees East (S2) (4 MB)
Draft Local Plan Policies Map - Huddersfield (S3) (4 MB)
Draft Local Plan Policies Map - Kirklees West (S4) (6 MB)
Draft Local Plan Policies Map - Kirklees South West (S5) (5 MB)
Draft Local Plan Policies Map - Kirklees South (S6) (4 MB)
Draft Local Plan Policies Map - Kirklees South East (S7) (4 MB)
Draft Local Plan Rejected Site Options Report (2 MB)
Draft Local Plan Rejected Site Options - Kirklees North (S1) (4 MB)
Draft Local Plan Rejected Site Options - Kirklees East (S2) (4 MB)
Draft Local Plan Rejected Site Options - Huddersfield (S3) (4 MB)
Draft Local Plan Rejected Site Options - Kirklees West S4 (4 MB)
Draft Local Plan Rejected Site Options - Kirklees South West S5 (3 MB)
Draft Local Plan Rejected Site Options - Kirklees South (S6) (4 MB)
Draft Local Plan Rejected Site Options - Kirklees South East S7 (4 MB)
Draft Local Plan Green Belt Review and Outcomes (Main Report) (141 KB)
Draft Local Plan Green Belt Review and Outcomes (Appendix 1) (19 MB)
Draft Local Plan Green Belt Review and Outcomes (Appendices 2-4) (3 MB)
Draft Local Plan Green Belt Review and Outcomes (Appendix 5) (15 MB)
Draft Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal Non-Technical Summary (1017 KB)
Draft Local Town Centre Maps (6 MB)