A petition is a request for Kirklees Council to consider an issue or concern or to take a particular course of action. Petitions set out a particular view point and can be a useful tool to demonstrate that a view is shared by others. Kirklees Council welcomes petitions as one of a variety of ways in which people can let us know their concerns.
Do you have a concern about your local area?
If you have a concern about your local area, neighbourhood or community, please contact:
View Current Petitions
View current and completed Petitions here before submitting a petition as it may relate to a previous petition.
Who to contact for advice on petitions?
Send an email to petitions@kirklees.gov.uk or write to the address below.
What should be included in a petition?
- A clear and concise statement covering the subject of the petition. It should state what action the petitioners wish the Council to take. People need to know what they are signing and therefore the petition should state clearly what it is about or what you think is wrong and what you would like to happen.
- It should be capable of being read in a few moments to enable people signing a petition to read it first. The petition should state that it is directed to Kirklees Council or a partner organisation.
- The name, address and signature of any person supporting the petition (including under 18's). This is so we can verify that they live, work, or study in the Kirklees area. Signatures from others, for example, tourists, may be considered valid if relevant to the issue of the petition.
- If your petition has more than 3000 signatures you can request to attend a Full Council meeting (a meeting with all 69 councillors) to present your petition. You must state this at the top of your petition when you submit it to the Council.
The Council will not accept a petition which:
- is abusive, vexatious, libellous or otherwise inappropriate
- might lead to the Council acting illegally
- relates to an identifiable person (except in the case of a petition to call a senior Council officer to account - see later)
- relates to an issue which is clearly outside the control or reasonable influence of the Council (e.g. petitions on national issues)
- clearly supports the financial interests of the person submitting the petition
- refers to a matter which is already the subject of legal proceedings
- is submitted from employees about terms and conditions of employment or relates to internal management issues
- duplicates or is substantially similar to a petition received less than 12 months ago, unless there has been a material change in circumstances
Areas which do not apply to the petitions process -
This Petitions Scheme does not apply to certain matters, where there are already existing processes for communities to have their say. The following matters are therefore excluded from the scope of this Petitions Scheme:
- Any matter relating to a planning decision, including about a development plan document or the community infrastructure levy
- Any matter relating to an alcohol, gambling or sex establishment licensing decision
- Any matter relating to an individual or entity in respect of which that individual or entity has a right of recourse to a review or right of appeal conferred by or under any enactment
Submitting a Petition
You can submit a paper petition or use our e-petition scheme. Click here to read the full guidance on how submit a paper or e-petition and how the Council will deal with it. We recommend that you read the full document before starting a petition.
You can submit an e-petition via submit an ePetition | Kirklees Council. You may need to register as a new user or login if you have previously registered.
By email to: petitions@kirklees.gov.uk - in this case each sheet of signatures should be scanned in full as an exact replica of the original copy.
You can submit a paper petition to:
Kirklees Council
Governance & Commissioning - Governance
PO Box 1720
How will we respond?
We will acknowledge all petitions within 10 working days of receipt. We will advise if the petition is valid and explain what happens next. This depends on what the petition asks for and how many people have signed it.