Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
The report will seek:-
- Approval of the Dewsbury Town Centre Better Spaces Strategy, a framework that will guide the improvement of the public realm within Dewsbury Town Centre and;
- Approval of projects that comprise the strategy;
- Approval of a Public Arts Plan for the town centre;
- Allocation of funds to develop and implement individual projects.
Background Papers:-
Dewsbury Town Centre Strategic Development Framework 2018
‘Public Art Policy - Making Great Places: Making Places Great’ - Kirklees Public Art Policy 2017
1) That the Dewsbury Town Centre Better Spaces Strategy and Plan be approved.
2) That approval be given to the principle of creating a ‘pocket park’ at the site of 23 Northgate and that Officers be authorised to take the necessary steps to deliver this scheme, including the acquisition of the site and the submission of a planning application, and submit a further report to a meeting of Cabinet.
3) That Officers be authorised to progress feasibility and development work of projects contained within the Better Spaces Strategy and Plan.
4) That approval be given to the Public Arts Plan, as detailed within the considered report, and that authorisation be given to the implementation of the schemes.
5) That approval be given to capital expenditure of £1.040m towards the projects described within the considered report, and that this be funded from the approved Capital Plan allocation for ‘Strategic Regeneration of Town Centres – Dewsbury’.
6) That approval be given to expenditure of £140k to cover the costs of feasibility and consultation on key projects and that this be funded from the ‘Aspirational Regeneration on Major Town Centres – Feasibility’ budget in the approved Capital Plan.
Report author: Peter Thompson
Publication date: 03/12/2019
Date of decision: 03/12/2019
Decided at meeting: 03/12/2019 - Cabinet
Accompanying Documents: