Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Holme Valley Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) has been formally submitted to the council under the Neighbourhood Plan Regulations 2012 (as amended) Regulation 15.
The Plan covers the whole of the Holme Valley Parish Area which covers part of the Peak District National Park Authority (PPNPA). All decisions relating to the statutory process relating to the NDP will need to be made jointly with the PPNPA.
Holme Valley Parish Council is the qualifying body for the NDP and the plan has been prepared by its Steering Group and planning consultants. The Steering Group has undertaken early engagement on the Plan and the Draft Plan has been subject to publicity undertaken Regulation 14.
The council’s responsibility at Regulation 15 is to check that the legal and statutory process involved in preparing the Plan have been completed. Subject to agreement by Kirklees Council and PPNPA that these requirements have been met the Plan will be subject to further publicity (minimum of 6 weeks) prior to submission to an independent examiner who will assess whether the Plan has met the basic conditions and will consider representations made on the NDP. Subject to the outcome of the examination, the council will consider a referendum on the Plan. Due to Co-vid 19, the government has postponed all referendums until May 2021.
The purpose of the report will be:
· To present the officer’s view on compliance with legal and statutory requirements and agree whether the Plan should/should not proceed to examination.
· To feedback officer detailed comments on the Plan which will form the basis of its submission to the examiner.
· To agree the publicity plan for the NDP.
The neighbourhood area applied for covers the ward of Holme Valley South and part of Holme Valley North. It borders the wards of Kirkburton, Denby Dale, Crosland Moor and Netherton and Newsome.
1) That authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and Development to progress with publicity (consultation), appointment of an independent examiner (following consultation with Holme Valley Parish Council and the Peak District National Park Authority), participation at the independent examination and to undertake statutory duty to submit representations received during the publicity (consultation) period.
2) That the Holme Valley Neighbourhood Development Plan and supporting documents be published for publicity (consultation) for a minimum of 8 weeks commencing on 8 December 2020.
3) That the Officer comments on the Holme Valley Neighbourhood Development Plan, as set out at Appendix 2, be endorsed and submitted to the independent examiner for their consideration.
4) That authority be delegated to the Service Director (Growth and Housing) to make non-material amendments to the Council’s comments (as endorsed in (3) above) to the independent examiner, or to reflect any further evidence that comes to light prior to the examination.
Report author: Jo Scrutton
Publication date: 19/11/2020
Date of decision: 18/11/2020
Decided at meeting: 18/11/2020 - Cabinet
Effective from: 26/11/2020
Accompanying Documents: