Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
This report will identify capital investment in Education for SEND places an outcomes.
1) That approval be given to the proposed capital expenditure for the projects as set out on in the report at (i) Netherhall St James (VC) C of E Infant (ARP) and Nursery School (ii) Netherhall Learning Campus High School (ARP) (iii) Old Bank Academy (ARP) (iv) Beaumont Primary School (ARP) (v) Carlinghow Academy (ARP) (vi) Southgate Special School (satellite provision located at Newsome High School) and (v) Woodley School and College (post 16 satellite provision).
2) That in order to aid the implementation of further capital schemes associated with SEND Transformation Plan at pace, including facilities for additionally resources provision and satellite provision, it be noted that authority is provided to Service Directors (as set out in Financial Procedure Rule 3.12) to (i) transfer resources within a programme area without restrictions (ii) transfer resources within programme areas between any year within the approved capital plan and (iii) transfer resources between any project or programme area up to a maximum of £2,000,000 in any financial year, subject to compliance with Financial Procedure Rules 3.12 to 3.16.
Report author: Martin Wilby
Publication date: 27/06/2023
Date of decision: 27/06/2023
Decided at meeting: 27/06/2023 - Cabinet
Effective from: 05/07/2023
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