Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To consider the third quarter Revenue & Capital Monitoring forecast and to consider any specific recommendations on the application of resources in-year, including movements to and from reserves, as required by financial procedure rules.
1) That the forecast revenue outturn position at Quarter 3 for 2023/24 (£9.9m overspend), and the forecast year end position on the Council’s reserves and balances: £55.8m Reserves, of which £43.8m were Usable Reserves (£47.4m Reserves, of which £35.4m were Usable at Q2) be noted.
2) That the Quarter 3 forecast HRA position (£600k surplus) and forecast year-end reserves position be noted.
3) That the Quarter 3 forecast capital monitoring position for 2023/24 with regards to Capital (£2.7m underspend) be noted.
4) That approval be given to the re-profiling of the 2023/24 capital plan reduction since Council Budget Report of £27.8m being
(i) +£1.24m grants (Housing DFG/Climate Emergency/Active Travel Fund)
(ii) -£29.1m re-profile (£13.8m/self-financed, £11.5m grants/S106, £0.7m receipts, HRA RCCO/Reserves £3.1m)
5) That the Quarter 3 treasury management prudential indicators be noted.
Report author: Sarah Hill
Publication date: 20/02/2024
Date of decision: 20/02/2024
Decided at meeting: 20/02/2024 - Cabinet
Effective from: 28/02/2024
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