Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
A redesign of short break, respite and support provision including moving the Young People’s Activity Team from their fixed base in North Kirklees to a place-based, flexible, bespoke model. This follows a consultation with children and families and a needs analysis. The outcome of this consultation and how this has influenced our plans will be reported as part of this item.
Ahead of the consultation in November 2023, our Parent Carer Forum, Parents of Children with Additional Needs (PCAN) were engaged to seek guidance and input on proposed survey questions. Following feedback from PCAN, the start of the consultation was temporarily delayed by one week to ensure appropriate to formulate and confirm finalised questions. This included ensuring the right questions were made in the right ways to obtain the information we required in relation to place-based redesign work. Engaging with PCAN also identified opportunities for face-to-face consultation, including coffee mornings held different areas of Kirklees. Specific feedback and views from PCAN members, alongside staff and other interested parties are included in the report.
1) That the views arising out of the consultation and the proposal to move to a personalised flexible, locality-based approach be noted.
2) That the Integrated Impact Assessment be noted.
3) That authority be given to the Strategic Director – Children and Families to take all necessary steps to implement the transformation of short breaks, respite and support services for disabled children, young people, and their families in Kirklees.
Report author: Stewart Horn
Publication date: 14/03/2024
Date of decision: 12/03/2024
Decided at meeting: 12/03/2024 - Cabinet
Effective from: 20/03/2024
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