Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
Following the Cabinet decision on 20/02/2024, to commence informal engagement with community partners around the proposed Community Managed Libraries (CML) model and associated service review.
This report will provide insight into the feedback received and agree next steps.
Formal public consultation is required prior to implementing any significant changes to the Library service. This will be considered as part of this cabinet paper.
Background Papers; 20.02.24.pdf
1) That approval be given to the revised targeted libraries delivery model, retaining some paid staffed hours across all 24 Kirklees library locations.
2) That the consultation process on the option of targeted reduction in staffed hours and opening hours that will seek community and partner input through surveys and focus groups, as well as ensure the proposed model meets the legal requirements for a comprehensive and efficient service that meets the needs of the communities served, be endorsed.
3) That the Integrated Impact Assessment be noted, before making a decision to consult.
4) That the outcome of the public consultation process be submitted to Cabinet prior to implementation.
Report author: Jill Greenfield
Publication date: 10/09/2024
Date of decision: 10/09/2024
Decided at meeting: 10/09/2024 - Cabinet
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