Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
To consider the first quarter Revenue &
Capital monitoring forecast and to consider any specific
recommendations on the application of resources in-year, including
movements to and from reserves, as required by Council financial
procedure rules.
(1) That, in regards to the General fund Revenue, (i) approval be given to proposals for £2.9m earmarked (risk) reserves drawdown to resource additional children’s services development costs in 2016-2017 (ii) the forecast £6.2m forecast revenue overspend position for 2016-2017 (as set out in Appendix A, Section 1) net of the reserves drawdown in (i), be noted (iii) the forecast outturn position on collection fund and forecast movements in reserves and balances in-year be noted (iv) consideration be given to officer proposals to bring the forecast £6.2m overspend at least in line with budgets by current year end, and other actions to build up available reserves to support the Medium term Financial Plan from 2017 onwards, and (v) officers be instructed to submit a report to Cabinet as part of the Medium Term Financial Plan update, with in-year and long term mitigating actions to bring spend back in line with available resources.
(2) That, in regards to the Housing Revenue Account, (i) the forecast revenue outturn position for 2016-2017 (as set out in Appendix A, Section 1), be noted, and (ii) the forecast HRA reserves position at year end (as set out in Appendix B), be noted.
(3) That the Council forecast capital outturn position for 2016-2017 be noted.
Report author: Eamonn Croston
Publication date: 24/08/2016
Date of decision: 23/08/2016
Decided at meeting: 23/08/2016 - Cabinet
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