Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
Members will be requested to allocate funding
from the Learning & Early Support Capital Plan and authorise
officers to deliver capital investment proposals to expand Birkby
Junior School from 4FE (480 pupils) to 5FE (600 pupils).
The capital allocation of £1.852m to enable the conversion of
Birkby Fartown Community Centre building to school
accommodation in order to provide 120 additional school places at
Birkby Junior School was approved;
(2) The interim arrangements being put in place in relation to Birkby Library, which will no longer operate from its existing site on Wasp Nest Road, Huddersfield from 2 November 2018, were endorsed.
Report author: David Martin
Publication date: 17/10/2018
Date of decision: 16/10/2018
Decided at meeting: 16/10/2018 - Cabinet
Accompanying Documents: