Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
New service standards are being trialled and
feedback collated to identify the impact on the landscape and users
of sites. The standards will be reviewed at regular intervals using
the results of the feedback.
(1) That the new service standards for Parks and Open Spaces Maintenance Standards, as attached at Appendix A of the report, be adopted, and that flexibility to change the service standards identified in Appendix A be devolved to District Committees to allow changes as required to meet community need within the allocated resource.
(2) That regular reviews be completed at key points to capture all seasons and that information be fed via District Committees.
(3) That the Assistant Director (Physical Resources and Procurement) be delegated responsibility to find the most cost effective solution to the future provision of seasonal plants on order to achieve best value.
Report author: Nigel Hancock
Publication date: 29/07/2015
Date of decision: 28/07/2015
Decided at meeting: 28/07/2015 - Cabinet
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