Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Draft Kirklees Specialist Accommodation Strategy 2022 – 2030 forms part of the overall Kirklees Housing Strategy.
It sets out the approach that the Council and its partners will take to support residents with a care and or support need in their home, so that they remain as independent as possible.
1) That the findings of the non-statutory consultation on the proposed draft Specialist Accommodation Strategy 2022/2030 be noted.
2) That approval be given to the Specialist Accomodation Strategy 2022/2030.
Report author: Chris Porter
Publication date: 10/03/2022
Date of decision: 08/03/2022
Decided at meeting: 08/03/2022 - Cabinet
Effective from: 16/03/2022
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