Decision Maker: Cabinet, Council
Decision status: Recommendations approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The report describes the Kirklees Inclusive Communities Framework (ICF), a professional facing, partnership approach to creating communities where all people have a sense of security, connection and belonging.
In Our Council Plan (2021-23), we set out how wewant everyone to be proud of the communities in which they live, feel happy, be safe, and get on well. Enabling people to get actively involved in their neighbourhoods and the decisions that affect them will create stronger communities and a more cohesive district. The ICF will be the driving strategy for achieving this in partnership in Kirklees.
It is intended that the ICF will replace and build on the concept of what was previously called the Cohesion Strategy.
The Framework provides guiding principles (our pillars of working inclusively); a toolkit consisting of underpinning knowledge and detailing our 5 Inclusive Approaches with statements, examples and checklists to support ICF implementation; and a self-evaluation tool so that those using the framework can reflect on practice and feed into a continuous learning loop. Links to useful reference material are shared throughout the document.
Background documents;
Inclusive Communities Framework
Integrated Impact Assessment
1) That the contents of the Inclusive Communities Framework, as recommended by the Communities Board, be noted.
2) That the report be referred to the meeting of Council on 13 July 2022 with a recommendation that the Inclusive Communities Framework be adopted and included within Article 4 of the Council’s Policy Framework.
Report author: Jill Greenfield
Publication date: 07/07/2022
Date of decision: 05/07/2022
Decided at meeting: 05/07/2022 - Cabinet
Effective from: 13/07/2022
Accompanying Documents: