Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) are produced to provide guidance on the implementation of Local Plan policies to provide clarity for all parties in the planning process.
The SPD will provide clear guidance to businesses and the local community how the Local Planning authority will assess planning applications for new hot food takeaways in partnership with Public Health and Environmental Health which is not currently set out in local planning policy.
The Hot Food Takeaway SPD provides clear guidance about how the council will implement Local Plan policies LP16 and LP47 and how decisions will be made which balance the need to consider the vitality and viability of centres whilst promoting healthy, active and safe lifestyles.
The SPD will embed objectives from the Council Plan, the Kirklees Health and Wellbeing Plan 2018-2023 and the Healthy Weight Declaration and provide the context around the whole systems approach to support healthy environments and reduce obesityand the role that the SPD can play alongside other initiatives to address the obesogenic environment.
The SPD explains the overall approach to the location of new hot food takeaway development across Kirklees, including:
· Using local health intelligence to inform decision making via a health toolkit;
· Recognising the role of hot food takeaways in the vitality and viability of town and other centres;
· The over concentration and appropriate level of clustering of hot food takeaways in centres;
· Limiting opening hours within 400m of primary and secondary schools; and
· Limiting the impacts of takeaways in relation to environmental health, highways issues and general residential amenity.
· Provides signposts to other health initiatives and guidance.
The SPD has been produced in collaboration with Public Health, Environmental Health, Waste Services, Planning Development Management, Highways Development Management, Designing Out Crime Officer and Planning Policy. It has been subject to public consultation with a wide range of consultees including: statutory consultees, Kirklees schools, children’s groups, health related organisations, Kirklees Employee Networks, Community Hubs, Local groups and businesses, 5% random sample of Kirklees takeaways, fast food related organisations, multi-nationals and Kirklees GP surgeries and the document amended in light of the comments received.
Once adopted, the SPD would become a material consideration in determining planning applications but are not part of the development plan.
The Hot Food Takeaway SPD will be used by the council to help reach decisions on whether to approve or refuse planning applications in accordance with the Local Plan. Details of the draft documents and consultation can be found at:
Hot food takeaway Supplementary Planning Document Consultation | Kirklees Council
1) That the consultation responses, as set out at appendices 2 and 3, be noted.
2) That the Hot Food Takeaway Supplementary Planning Document be adopted.
3) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director (Growth and Regeneration) to make any further minor modifications to the document that relate exclusively to factual updates, grammatical and formatting corrections for the purposes of publishing the SPD and supporting documents.
Report author: Hannah Morrison
Publication date: 22/09/2022
Date of decision: 21/09/2022
Decided at meeting: 21/09/2022 - Cabinet
Effective from: 29/09/2022
Accompanying Documents: