Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Adults and Health are seeking a specialist health and social care consultant to complete a diagnostic in teams and in elements of our provision. This is to identify a range of efficiency opportunities and overlay this with the impact of the social care reforms, changes to LA CQC regulation, and the expected impact of population and demand growth. The consultant will have the option to support a programme of change work based on the opportunities and efficiencies identified as part of the diagnostic work and the cost of consultant resources to support the programme of work will be deducted from any gross benefit realised through the programme of work.
The requirement of this commission is to enable Kirklees, with external support, diagnostic work and research to be able to effectively plan for future demand across Adults & Health, be able to successfully implement social care reforms associated with the Health and Care Bill to support the increasing numbers of people who use services, their carers and families and to deliver cashable and non-cashable savings through working practices that are consistent with our Vision for Adult Social Care and the requirements of national Adult Social Care reform.
There has already been discussion about the proposed benefits of this approach in being able to better plan the financial requirements of adult social care over the next 3-5 years at a time when there is considerable uncertainty and to identify and deliver financial savings that contribute towards meeting the cost pressures that the council will face.
Arrangements for contract award will be set out in a paper to Cabinet.
1) That the activity undertaken to date, and the proposed approach with four phases and two decision points, be noted.
2) That the decision to evaluate and award a call off contract following a mini competition using Lot 7 of the Crown Commercial Service Management Framework Agreement be delegated to the Strategic Director of Adults and Health, in consultation with the Strategic Director of Corporate Strategy, Commissioning and Public Health, the Section 151 Officer and Cabinet Members for Health and Social Care, and Corporate Services, in order to implement Phases 1 to 3 at pace.
3) That, pursuant to (ii) above, the delegation shall include decisions relating to Phase 1 (modelling exercise), Phase 2 (presentation of findings) and Phase 3 (production of change programme plan).
4) That it be noted that a further report outlining progress will be submitted at the end of Phase 3.
Report author: Alexia Gray
Publication date: 18/01/2023
Date of decision: 17/01/2023
Decided at meeting: 17/01/2023 - Cabinet
Effective from: 25/01/2023
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