Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To review the Council Housing Fire Safety Management Plan and endorse the adoption and implementation of the Plan.
Background papers;
The final report of the Ad Hoc Scrutiny Panel – Housing Stock Health and Safety Compliance was presented to Cabinet on Wednesday 21 December 2022. The report can be found here.
In addition, on Tuesday 17 October 2023 Cabinet was presented with an update on the actions within the report including the progress on the Safety Management Plans. This can be found here.
On 11 April 2023 Cabinet was presented with a report on the procurement of fire safety remedial works to 6-storey, low-rise and retirement living scheme blocks. The report can be found here and the decision here.
An Integrated Impact Assessment was completed for the Fire Safety Management Plan on 29 January 2024 and can be found here.
Engagement Process;
Homes and Neighbourhoods Fire Safety Resident Engagement Framework is an integral part of the Council Housing Fire Safety Management Plan. The Framework commits the council to:
· Have a range of methods in place to allow tenants and residents to get involved in a way and at a level that suits them.
· Encourage and develop a wider range of innovative, less formal approaches to encourage more people to play their part in fire safety.
· Have arrangements in place to consult and involve tenants and residents who are not involved in formally recognised groups, and
· Make a special effort to reach those tenants and residents who do not normally get involved
The approach to engaging and communicating with residents around fire safety supports the recommendations in the Building Safety Engagement Best Practice Report, released in March 2021.
The development of processes relating to fire safety which involve or affect residents will be the subject of engagement with stakeholders.
This Plan has been developed in consultation with officers within the Council and sector experts. It reflects legislative requirements, council policy and sector best practice. The plan sets out how the council will dispense its duties in relation to fire safety and refers to the relevant mechanisms for consultation.
There is ongoing consultation with residents about building and fire safety through a range of channels.
RESOLVED – That the Housing Fire Safety Management Plan and updated Fire Safety Management Policy be adopted.
Report author: Hannah Elliott
Publication date: 14/03/2024
Date of decision: 12/03/2024
Decided at meeting: 12/03/2024 - Cabinet
Effective from: 20/03/2024
Accompanying Documents: