Decision details

George Hotel - Project update and proposed way forward

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To provide Cabinet with an update on the latest position regarding the George Hotel project, and seek approval for a way forward.


Papers provided for Cabinet 11.10.2022 – link below:

Decision - The refurbishment and redevelopment of the George in Huddersfield Town Centre to transform this building into a new hotel as part of the Huddersfield Blueprint | Kirklees Council


Engagement Process


Engagement has taken place with various services across the Council in the development of the project to ensure alignment and support with other projects and programmes, and this will continue as the scheme progresses.


Engagement with Historic England, WYCA and other key stakeholders has also continued, and they continue to support the scheme. In advance of Cabinet, Ward Councillors will be offered briefing sessions to discuss the latest position, and all key stakeholders will be engaged as the project progresses.




This report deals with the delivery of one part of the Blueprint. The Blueprint was subject to several engagement exercises commencing in 2018 as part of the Blueprint development and then again late in 2019 after the Blueprint launch the council undertook a Place Standard exercise to benchmark public reaction to the approach and projects. The results from this exercise show there is a great desire to bring the George into active use. The key report for this can be found by accessing the following link:


Moving forward, the detailed designs will be subject to formal consultation through the planning stage where all parties, including members of the public, will have access to detailed plans and will be able to comment on the proposals.





1)    That approval be given to the continued redevelopment of the George site as a hotel as a key part of the Huddersfield Blueprint.

2)    That further to the approved £20.2million in the Capital Plan, approval be given to the reprofiling of £9.8million from future phases of the Our Cultural Heart budget within the Capital Plan to the George site project to provide a total budget of £30million.

3)    That authority be delegated to the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration in consultation with the Executive Director for Place, Service Director for Finance, and Service Director for Legal, Governance and Commissioning to: -


(i)             approve any further increase in costs up to a maximum of 5% of the total project cost, accommodated through further reprofiling of the Capital Plan;

(ii)            explore cost reduction and grant funding opportunities;

(iii)          approve the final design; and

(iv)          award the building contract subject to necessary consents.


4)    That authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Place, and Service Director for Legal, Governance and Commissioning to: -


(i)             negotiate and enter into a variation to the Hotel Management Agreement within the limits of resolutions (2) and (3); and

(ii)            negotiate and enter into License/Licenses and formal agreements with Network Rail to facilitate necessary access and egress.

Report author: Joanne Bartholomew

Publication date: 07/11/2024

Date of decision: 05/11/2024

Decided at meeting: 05/11/2024 - Cabinet

Effective from: 13/11/2024

Accompanying Documents: