Decision details

Report of the Members' Allowances Independent Review Panel (Reference from Corporate Governance and Audit Committee)

Decision Maker: Council

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


RESOLVED – That the recommendations of the Members’ Allowances Independent Review Panel be approved;


(i)             to continue to apply the same percentage pay award awarded to Officers to the Basic Allowance and Special Responsibility Allowances

(ii)            the Special Responsibility Allowance paid to Chair of Corporate Governance and Audit Committee be increased from Band E (currently £3,115 per annum) to Band C1 (currently £7,790 per annum)

(iii)          the Special Responsibility Allowance paid to Fostering Panel Members be increased from Band E1 (currently £1,556 per annum) to Band D1 (currently £4,675 per annum)

(iv)          the Special Responsibility Allowance paid to Adoption Panel Members be increased from Band E1 (currently £1,556 per annum) to Band E (currently £3,115 per annum).

Publication date: 13/02/2025

Date of decision: 12/02/2025

Decided at meeting: 12/02/2025 - Council

Accompanying Documents: