Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
To provide further analysis of the option to
merge Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing with Kirklees Building
Services. To set out a deliverable high level implementation plan
and timeline, if a decision is taken to merge.
(1) That the Council's high level option appraisal included at paragraph 4.2 of the considered report be noted together with the appraisal commissioned by the Council from the Housing Quality Network set out at Appendix 1, together with all information in the considered report.
(2) That the recommended approach to transfer the Council's building maintenance DSO (Kirklees Building Services) to KNH Ltd, including staff as well as responsibility for operational repairs and maintenance services to Council Houses; other Council owned premises and work for some schools (proposed transfer) from or before 1 April 2017, be approved, subject to the satisfactory resolution of Legal, Financial, HR issues highlighted within the considered report.
(3) That the financial implications of the proposal shown at paragraph 4.2 and 7.1 of the considered report be noted together with the further work required by officers before it is possible to make the final decision in relation to the proposed transfer.
(4) That the legal framework set out at paragraph 7.2 of the considered report on the Council's legal power to enter into the proposed transfer arrangements and the further work required before it is possible to make a final decision in relation to the proposed transfer be noted.
(5) That the response to the statutory consultation exercise under Section 3 of the Local Government Act 1999 and Section 105 Housing Act 1985, together with the Council's response at Section 8 of the considered report and Appendix A be noted.
(6) That the proposed arrangements set out at paragraphs 6.9, 7.1.4 and 7.2.5 in relation to service level agreements between the Council and KNH be noted.
(7) That the HR implications at paragraph 7.3 of the considered report be noted and that approval be given to the transfer of all effected Council employees "in scope" and the provision of information and consultation as appropriate with Trade Unions.
(8) That the project management arrangements set out at paragraph 9.2 of the considered report, which would be responsible for ensuring the outstanding legal, financial, HR and organisational issues are addressed be noted.
(9) That authority be delegated to the Director of Place or authorised representatives to progress the matters, including amongst other things, those listed in the implementation plan, to effect the proposed transfer; in accordance with the Council's contract procedure rules, the award of a 20 year management agreement, covering housing management and building maintenance services; a new delivery plan; leases of relevant premises; appropriate valuations based on market rate; consents as considered appropriate; and any other ancillary documentation to effect the transfer and commencement of a new agreement from or before 1 April 2017 and that it be noted that if further risk are identified or there are any material changes to any issues that emerge, the report be brought back to Cabinet for further decision.
(10) That authority be delegated to the Assistant Director Legal, Governance and Monitoring to sign, seal (as appropriate), and enter into on behalf of the Council, any documentation (including, but not limited to) leases, a new 20 year management agreement, for housing management and building maintenance and repair services and other associated and or ancillary documentations to effect the transfer of services to KNH; and update the Councils constitution as required.
Report author: Helen Geldart
Publication date: 11/02/2016
Date of decision: 09/02/2016
Decided at meeting: 09/02/2016 - Cabinet
Accompanying Documents: