Decision details

John Smith’s Stadium Site, Huddersfield - request to restructure existing Lease Agreements

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


To consider a request by Kirklees Stadium Development Ltd (KSDL), to restructure the existing Lease Agreements in respect of the Council freehold land at the John Smith’s Stadium site, Huddersfield. The request is made to assist with facilitating the HD ONE development.


1)    That the proposal from KSDL to restructure the existing property leases at the Stadium site and dispose of the additional Council land as set out at paragraph 2.5 of the considered report be accepted.


2)    That the Strategic Director (Economy and Infrastructure) and Service Director (Legal, Governance and Monitoring) be authorised to negotiate and agree the terms of the new lease restructure.


3)    That the Service Director (Legal, Governance and Commissioning) be authorised to enter into and complete all documentation necessary to implement the requested lease structure.


Report author: Paul Kemp

Publication date: 02/08/2017

Date of decision: 31/07/2017

Decided at meeting: 31/07/2017 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: