Decision details

Arrangements for the Establishment of a West Yorkshire Urban Traffic Management Control Service

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


A report led by the West Yorkshire Combined Authority. Members will be requested to approve and support the formation of a single Urban Traffic Management and Control team for West Yorkshire.


(1) That the arrangements for the establishment of a joint West Yorkshire UTMC service, subject to the outcome of the consideration of full business cases by the WYCA which would deliver smarter working across the city region, leading to a more joined up approach to managing and investment in the traffic signals infrastructure, be noted.


(2) That, pursuant to (1) above, approval be given to a joint West Yorkshire UTMC Service and that Leeds City Council be the host authority.


(3) That the creation of an organisational unit within Leeds City Council’s City Development Directorate for the West Yorkshire UTMC Service, to be located at West Yorkshire Joint Services, Morley, be noted.


(4) That the potential need to transfer staff via TUPE from Kirklees Council into the employment of Leeds City Council, to work within the West Yorkshire UTMC Service, be noted.


(5) That a further report be submitted to Cabinet for consideration upon completion of legal and financial matters, including business model and service level agreements, and operational implications, and that consideration also be given to the service being operated by the West Yorkshire Combined Authority.

Report author: Joanne Bartholomew

Publication date: 15/11/2018

Date of decision: 13/11/2018

Decided at meeting: 13/11/2018 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: