Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To consider the financial planning framework for consideration of forthcoming budget proposals and plans, informed by updated forward spend and funding forecasts.
In noting that officers would consider options for the previously unsuccessful Huddersfield Market High Street fund bid at £18m;
1) That the funding and spend assumptions informing the updated budget forecasts be noted.
2) That the current and forecast earmarked reserves and general balances as set out at Appendix B be noted.
3) That it be noted that authority be delegated to the Chief Executive and Service Director for Finance, in consultation with the Leader and Cabinet Portfolio Holder, on the preferred option for Business Rates Pool arrangements for 2022/23.
4) That the updated multi-year capital budget plans as set out at Appendix D be noted
5) That approval be given to the financial planning framework as set out in Section 1.4 of the report.
6) That the corporate budget timetable and approach set out at Appendix F be noted.
7) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director Corporate Strategy, Commissioning and Public Health to agree the approach to budget consultation and relevant timescales in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services.
Report author: James Anderson
Publication date: 14/10/2021
Date of decision: 12/10/2021
Decided at meeting: 12/10/2021 - Cabinet
Effective from: 20/10/2021
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