Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
A 2-year self-investment programme of £200k per annum to support contract renewal business retention.
1) That approval be given to the proposed programmes of works and school catering equipment upgrades and replacement up to £400k maximum, as outlined in the considered report, for the two year baseline capital programme.
2) That authority be delegated, in accordance with Council Financial Procedure Rule 3.12, to the Service Director (Culture and Visitor Economy) to manage the implementation of the identified works within the respective agreed total programme budget.
3) That, pursuant to (2) above, the delegated powers include authority to (i) add new urgent projects to the programme without prior Cabinet approval providing that the total cost of the programme remains within the approved capital allocation set by the Council and (ii) slip or delete projects during the course of the financial year to enable the effective management of the programme concerned.
Report author: Spencer King
Publication date: 23/02/2022
Date of decision: 22/02/2022
Decided at meeting: 22/02/2022 - Cabinet
Effective from: 02/03/2022
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