Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
The purpose of this report is to detail to
Members of the Council the concept of aligning long term sustained
growth to a programme of regeneration, renewal and individual
opportunity. The report seeks authorisation to work up the
strategy, financial plan and delivery plan over the next 12 to 24
(1) That the concept of a Housing and Enterprise Growth Zone be agreed in principle for consultation, subject to finalisation and adoption of the local plan.
(2) That the draft vision statement, aim and core objectives for the strategy development be discussed and agreed.
3) That a series of objectives that will guide and deliver sustained growth be agreed, which may include:
(a) A focus for housing and economic growth - thus delivering long term sustainable jobs and providing a funding mechanism to initially revitalise Dewsbury’s urban core.
(b) A key strategic employment location within the LCR.
(c) A location that will be fully exploited to ensure it is seen as a key transport node for both road and rail (connecting to HS2, Leeds and other regional centres and the wider north of England), being only 15 minutes from Leeds by rail.
(d) Dewsbury to be seen as a primary economic and service centre, with a town centre that is fully occupied through increased
housing and leisure provision, with a consolidated retail and commercial core.
(e) The final objectives to be set out in a future report.
(4) That an integrated approach be progressed aligning growth and renewal through a single overall investment and development programme for Dewsbury and North Kirklees, with a prioritised timetable, associated delivery plan and dedicated resource, minimising risks and maximising opportunities.
(5) That a bespoke local delivery model and financial strategy to support the delivery of proposed plans be developed.
(6) That the leadership, governance, staffing and management arrangements be considered and that this be subject of a further report incorporating a review of partners/potential partners and interface with the local communities.
Report author: Stephen Jagger
Publication date: 18/11/2015
Date of decision: 17/11/2015
Decided at meeting: 17/11/2015 - Cabinet
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