Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To provide cabinet with findings from the leisure centre consultation and other relevant information to enable Cabinet to make an informed decision around future changes to the leisure centre estate. The report will seek agreement for the rationalisation of the estate to be managed by Kirklees Active Leisure (KAL) and request delegated authority to progress alternative delivery options and/or uses for those sites from which KAL will withdraw.
1) That (i) the findings of the six-week public consultation held between 29 September 2023 and 12 November 2023 (as attached at Appendix 1) (ii) the contents of the Integrated Impact Assessment (iii) the capital investment required for essential repairs and (iv) the proposed funding to KAL of the £2.555M, as set out in the budget book, be noted.
2) That the further work required to clarify the redundancy and other costs relating to the closure of facilities as identified in this report be noted.
3) That approval be given to the £2.555M leisure offer for 2024/25, specifically: Batley Sports & Tennis Centre; Bradley Park Golf Club; Colne Valley Leisure Centre; Holmfirth Pool and Fitness Centre; Huddersfield Leisure Centre; Leeds Road Sports Complex; Scissett Baths and Fitness Centre (subject to funding being awarded by Sport England); and Spen Valley Leisure Centre (including Princess Mary Stadium & Running Track).
4) That approval be given to Dewsbury Sports Centre (DSC), Deighton Sports Arena and Huddersfield Stadium Health & Fitness Club not being part of the leisure offer.
5) That Officers be authorised to continue discussions regarding the future use of Deighton Sports Arena, in order to enable options to maintain community access to the facility to be explored within the next 12 to 24 months.
6) That Officers be authorised to develop a future plan for physical activity across Dewsbury, which would contain a range of long term options, and that an assessment be made on the cost and feasibility of creating access to the dry-side facilities at Dewsbury Sports Centre.
7) That Officers be authorised to continue to work with Kirklees Stadium Development Ltd (KSDL) to try and attract another operator for the Stadium Health and Fitness Club to aid the financial viability of the site.
8) That approval be given to phase 2 of the Leisure Centre Transformation Programme, to focus on the future vision for sport and physical activity ensuring Kirklees citizens have access to a wide choice of activities.
9) That a further report be considered in 2024 regarding the property implications of the proposed changes to the leisure offer provision and its impact on individual sites.
Report author: Adele Poppleton
Publication date: 13/12/2023
Date of decision: 12/12/2023
Decided at meeting: 12/12/2023 - Cabinet
Effective from: 20/12/2023
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