Decision Maker: Executive Director for Adults and Health (DASS)
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
This will be an officer delegated decision (Financial Procedure Rule 11) and will be recorded in the Councils forward plan.
The Quarter 1 Corporate Financial Monitoring Report approved by Cabinet on 15 August 2023 sets out the Council’s current financial position within the current economic climate, and highlights management actions to be progressed, which includes under the section headed General fund, point 7.2 highlight a number of management actions including “increasing all discretionary fees and charges by at least the prevailing rate of inflation where it is considered possible to do so”.
Additionally, under the Council’s Financial Procedure Rules, fees and charges must be reviewed at least once per annum.
Bereavement Services fees and charges will therefore increase by 6.7% (CPI) from Monday 5th February 2024.
Background papers – Quarter 1 Corporate Financial Monitoring Report 15 August 2023
To increase fees and charges for Bereavement Services in line with rate of inflation 6.7% (CPI) from Monday 5/2/2024.
Publication date: 18/12/2023
Date of decision: 18/12/2023