Decision Maker: Portfolio Holder for Transport and Housing
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
Consideration will be given to reduce the current contract value by £750k. Calderdale and Kirklees proposal is to design a different service delivery model for LA (Local Authority) statutory duties to reduce the proportion of young people who are not in education, employment and training (NEET). This is critical in supporting young people to access education and training. Therefore, tracking and understanding the characteristics and current activity of the young people in their area is crucial and is undertaken effectivelyby C + K careers. Should the proposal be agreed, the contract expectations would need to be adjusted accordingly.
C + K Careers also provide other services to the Council, and these remain unaffected by this proposal.
Officers of the Council have undertaken engagement with the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of C + K Careers as well as colleagues in Calderdale Council.
The CEO has considered the implications with the C + K Careers Board.
Local authority officers to continue to work together with C + K in exploring ways to sustain the expertise delivered by the company.
· Approval given for the contract value for the LA Statutory Duties in relation to Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance that is fulfilled by C+ K Careers to be reduced by £750k for the financial year 2024/25 onwards.
· The Service Director for Learning and Early Support and Service Director for Legal Governance and Commissioning is given delegated authority to liaise with C + K careers and sign contracts (respectively) on behalf of the Council reflecting this reduction.
Publication date: 13/05/2024
Date of decision: 10/05/2024
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