Decision details

Waste Disposal Contract variation for Weaving Lane TransPennine Route Upgrade replacement Household Waste and Recycling Centre

Decision Maker: Strategic Director for Growth and Regeneration

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Approval to


1.    Vary the existing waste disposal contract with Suez Recycling and Recovery Kirklees Ltd to accommodate the operation of an adjacent replacement Household Waste and Recycling Centre (HWRC) at Weaving Lane in Dewsbury. 

2.    Issue a supplemental lease to Suez, extending the boundary of the existing lease to incorporate the affected council-owned land for the new facility.


The new site is critical enabling work to allow the existing site to be fully occupied on a temporary basis by Network Rail Infrastructure Limited (NRIL) to undertake TransPennine Route Upgrade (TRU) works.


The construction of the new HWRC will be at no cost to the Council and negotiations are ongoing with NRIL in an attempt to recover costs that will be incurred in negotiating and completing the documentation above.


Background papers


Background to current waste disposal contract:


Waste Disposal, Interim Contract Arrangements,

Cabinet Approval (September 2021): Interim Contract Arrangements -PUBLIC Cabinet Report FINAL V1.pdf


Background to the Council’s approach/support for TRU:


Network Rail – Trans-Pennine Route Upgrade Transport and Works Act Order submission: Council Response – Council Approval 14th July 2021




The replacement HWRC is being designed collaboratively with input from technical colleagues across the Council, partner bodies including the Environment Agency and Yorkshire Water, and Suez as the operator of the site. The replacement site will be provided on a like-for-like basis as the existing operation, so that Kirklees residents are not disadvantaged by a reduction in the facility’s functions or capacity. The requirement to vary the waste disposal contract to accommodate the new site is a necessary step in the process.




The TRU is a NRIL project to which the Council has given its full support.  NRIL have undertaken wide ranging engagement with the public, the Council, landowners and other stakeholders affected by the works. Outcomes from this engagement were considered in the Secretary of State’s decision to issue the Transport and Works Act Order for the works to go ahead. The replacement HWRC is a specifically negotiated mitigation measure to negate the impact of the TRU works on the continued provision of the existing facility at this location.


1.         To proceed with varying the existing waste disposal contract with Suez Recycling and Recovery Kirklees Ltd to accommodate the operation of an adjacent replacement Household Waste and Recycling Centre (HWRC) at Weaving Lane in Dewsbury. 

2.         To issue a supplemental lease to Suez, extending the boundary of the existing lease to incorporate the affected council-owned land for the new facility.

Publication date: 22/05/2024

Date of decision: 17/05/2024

Effective from: 25/05/2024