Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
The report provides an overview of the current
position and asks Cabinet to provide clarity on potential
accommodation costs for Town and Parish Councils that are currently
being met by Kirklees Council budgets.
(1) That, in order to reduce the revenue and capital liabilities of the underutilised buildings, the full costs be recovered from the Parish and Town Councils for the accommodation that they occupy at commercial rates, if agreement can be reached.
(2) That the recharges be effective from 1 April 2016, subject to agreement with the Town and Parish Councils.
(3) That the Assistant Director (Physical Resources and Procurement) and Assistant Director (Legal, Governance and Monitoring) be authorised to negotiate legal occupancy agreements with the Councils at a full market rent where practicable.
(4) That payment by the Council of the leasing fees associated with the agreement for the lease of Burton Village Hall between Kirkburton Parish Council and Kirkburton and Highburton Community Assocation shall cease with effect from 1 April 2016.
(5) That in the event that any Asset Transfer Agreements with Parish Councils are not concluded by 1 April 2016, it be confirmed that the payment of rent by the Council will cease.
Report author: Mark Gregory
Publication date: 17/12/2015
Date of decision: 15/12/2015
Decided at meeting: 15/12/2015 - Cabinet