Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
To update Members on progress and implications
arising from the proposed new build school, proposed decant
solution and other matters.
(1) That approval be given to the discontinuation of the off-site decant of Mount Pleasant Primary to the Yews Hill Road site.
(2) That authority be delegated to the Director of Economy , Skills and the Environment authority to negotiate and agree with the Education Funding Agency/Kier as to a revised delivery programme for Mount Pleasant Primary that involves an on-site decant.
(3) That the past and potential future calls on the previously allocated revenue budget for this project, as outlined in paragraphs 2.23 to 2.26, be noted.
(4) That approval be given to a capital budget of up to 425k to be funded from Section 106 contributions/Schools’ Basic Need grant to enable officers to negotiate and agree essential capital improvements to the current EFA project.
(5) That authority be delegated to the Director of Economy, Skills and Environment, and the Director for Children and Young People, to negotiate and agree with the EFA and the school the required revenue and capital contributions arising from recommendations (2), (3) and (4) above.
(6) That the Director of Resources be authorised to issue a Section 151 letter in relation to any funds payable to the EFA as a result of the recommendations as set out above.
(7) That it be noted that a further report will be submitted to Cabinet during autumn 2016 outlining the final revenue impact of the revised proposal on the Council.
Report author: David Martin
Publication date: 10/03/2016
Date of decision: 08/03/2016
Decided at meeting: 08/03/2016 - Cabinet