Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
The report requests approval to carry out a
consultation about proposals affecting Honley CE (VC) Infant and
Nursery School and Honley CE (VC) Junior School.
That the strong collaborative approach demonstrated between the
governing bodies and the school leaders, providers and the local
authority that have enabled the development of proposals that seek
to secure the provision of learning places to meet the needs of
families in the community be acknowledged.
2. That officers be authorised to develop plans for consultation about proposals that support a community wide approach to making sure that there are enough high quality learning places to serve the families in the by:-
· Amalgamating Honley CE(VC)Infants and Nursery School and Honley CE(VC) Junior School by working in collaboration with the Diocese
Board of Education within the Diocese of Leeds to propose voluntary Controlled all through primary school with early education and childcare, within the amalgamated school continuing to be on the existing site and in buildings that are currently used for Honley CE(VC) Infant and Nursery School and Honly CE (VC) Junior School;
§ To cater for Pupils age 3-11.
§ With a published admissions number of 66 for Key Stage 1 and public admission number of 68 for Key Stage 2.
Retaining the 48 part time early places for nursery children aged
3+-4 years were opportunities to further develop early learning and
child care services that meet future demand, including that
presented by the introduction of 30 hours free child care and, 2
year olds, being eligible to free early education.
3. That approval be given to the delegation of authority to the Director of Children and Young People in consultation with the Cabinet Portfolio leader to:-
· Engage and liaise with all stakeholders and where applicable in conjunction with the Diocese Board of Education with the Diocese of Leeds.
· Develop consultation materials on the basis of the proposals below.
Organise and carry out a statutory consultation and
officers be requested to report the outcomes of the
consultation to Cabinet for further consideration of next
Report author: Jo-Anne Sanders
Publication date: 19/10/2016
Date of decision: 18/10/2016
Decided at meeting: 18/10/2016 - Cabinet
Accompanying Documents: