Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
To provide Cabinet with an update on progress
on the Local Plan and CIL. To request delegated powers to update
the Local Plan timetable on a regular basis throughout its
Examination. To request delegated powers to make modifications to
the plan as they arise during the Examination.
That the update and progress on the Local Plan and Community
Infrastructure Levy (Draft Charging Schedule) be noted.
That authority be delegated to the
Strategic Director (Economy and Infrastructure) to update the Local
Plan timetable on a regular basis throughout its Examination in
Public, via the Council’s website.
3) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director (Economy and Infrastructure), in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member/s, to prepare and agree a schedule of proposed main modifications (related to matters discussed at examination hearings) for a six week public consultation, if required by the Planning Inspector, in accordance with the Council’s statement of community involvement, and other minor modifications as may be necessary to make the plan sound or comply with other legal requirements.
Report author: Richard Hollinson
Publication date: 31/05/2017
Date of decision: 30/05/2017
Decided at meeting: 30/05/2017 - Cabinet
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