Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
To seek approval from Cabinet on the proposed
library consultation and timeline
1) That approval be given to the content of the consultation questionnaire as attached at Appendix B to the considered report, subject to the consideration of re-wording of Question 4 within the Libraries Consultation Survey.
2) That the timeline for consultation and subsequent report to Cabinet be agreed as set out in para. 2.1.2 of the considered report.
3) That authority be delegated to the Service Director – Policy, Intelligence and Public Health, to finalise the questionnaire and make any drafting/minor amendments as required.
Report author: Carol Stump
Publication date: 23/11/2017
Date of decision: 21/11/2017
Decided at meeting: 21/11/2017 - Cabinet
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