Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
The council adopted an Affordable Housing
Supplementary Planning Document in 2008 and this was updated
through an Interim Affordable Housing Policy in 2016 to ensure
consistency with the emerging Local Plan approach.
A further update to the Interim Affordable Housing Policy (2020)
has now been prepared to take account of the adoption of the Local
Plan and the introduction of the Housing Strategy 2018-23.
This 2020 interim policy will therefore replace the 2016 interim
policy. The new document seeks to ensure consistency with the Local
Plan. It also provides further clarification on a range of issues
including the definition of affordable housing types, addressing
national policy requirements regarding affordable homes for sale,
the provision of starter homes and discounted market sales housing
relative to housing needs in Kirklees and the requirements of a
viability appraisal.
The report seeks endorsement from Cabinet to approve the Interim
Affordable Housing Policy to provide short-term certainty. This
will be used to inform decision making until it is replaced by a
revised Affordable Housing and Housing
1) That approval be given to the Interim Affordable Housing Policy 2020, which provides updated interim policy and guidelines for dealing with affordable housing/financial contributions from new housing developments, as attached at Appendix 1 of the considered report, and that the 2016 Interim Affordable Housing Policy be revoked.
2) That authority be delegated to the Service Director (Growth and Housing) to make any further additional modifications which relate exclusively to factual updates and format corrections in the process of publishing the Interim Affordable Housing Policy 2020.
Report author: Steven Wright
Publication date: 16/01/2020
Date of decision: 14/01/2020
Decided at meeting: 14/01/2020 - Cabinet
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