Decision details

2020/21 – 2021/22 Corporate Landlord and Strategic Asset Utilisation Capital Plans - Proposed allocation of 2020/21 – 2021/22 Capital Funding

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Amendments to the detail of the approved 2018/19 & 2019/20 programmes and proposed allocation of 2019/20 – 2021/22 capital funding


This report will identify potential projects, for Member approval, to be funded from the 2019/20 & 2020/21 Strategic Asset Utilisation & 2020/21 Corporate Landlord Asset Investment baseline & Strategic Priorities sections of the Capital Plan, seek Officer delegation to manage the plans and present an update on the delivery of the previous financial year’s programmes for each section.


Background Documents


Cabinet Report 19/03/2019 - 2018/19 and 2019/20 Council Capital Plan - Amendments to the detail of the approved 2018/19 Corporate Landlord managed sections of the capital plan and proposed allocation of 2019/20 capital funding


Council 17th July 2019: 5 Year Rollover Capital Plan



1)    That the programme of works for 2020/2021-2020/2022, as set out at Appendix A of the report, be approved.

2)    That approval be given to the delegation of power to Officers (para.s 2.18 to 2.20 refer) to (i) add new urgent projects to the programmes detailed in this report without prior Cabinet approval providing that total cost of the programmes remains within the approved capital allocations set by Council (ii) transfer resources between the Corporate Landlord / Asset Strategy funding streams / programmes without restrictions to enable efficient delivery of projects and (iii) slip, delete or reallocate budget between projects during the course of the two financial years providing that the total cost of the programmes remains within the approved capital allocations set by the Council to enable the effective management of the programmes concerned over the two year period.

3)    That officers be authorised to design, tender and implement the delivery of projects and work streams as identified in Appendix A.


Report author: David Martin

Publication date: 04/06/2020

Date of decision: 02/06/2020

Decided at meeting: 02/06/2020 - Cabinet

Effective from: 10/06/2020

Accompanying Documents: