Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
To consider the outcome of the public consultation held in relation to the proposal for a Mayoral Combined Authority for West Yorkshire, arising from the Devolution Deal for the region singed by the local authorities and Government, prior to is submission to the Secretary of State.
Background Papers
Previous reports to Cabinet:-
24 March 2020 (taken as an emergency decision by the Chief executive as a result of Covid) – West Yorkshire Devolution Deal
Cabinet 1 May 2020 – aforementioned emergency decision noted
and endorsed (Agenda Item 6)
Cabinet 21 May 2020 - Devolution Deal for West Yorkshire – Review, Scheme and Consultation
1) That the content of the report and summary of consultation responses, as attached at Appendix 1 to the report, be noted.
2) That the summary of consultation responses, as set out at Appendix 1, be submitted to the Secretary of State by 11 September 2020, and that (i) authority be jointly delegated to the Managing Director of the Combined Authority, in consultation with the Leader and Chief Executive of each Constituent Council and the Chair of the Combined Authority, to finalise and submit documents subject to any technical issues which may arise and (ii) the Chief Executive and Leader of Kirklees Council be authorised to act as the consultees on behalf of the Council for these purposes.
3) That the updated timetable, as set out at Appendix 2 of the report, and the next steps which are subject to the consent being given by the Constituent Councils and Combined Authority, to draft the Order in November 2020 so that a mayoral combined authority model and associated changes may be adopted and implemented by May 2021, as set out in the Deal, be noted.
4) That the decision be exempt from Call-In on the grounds of urgency, as detailed in para. 3.6 of the report.
5) That Corporate Governance and Audit Committee be invited to consider the proposed governance arrangements, as detailed in para. 2.29 of the report, regarding the Council’s reporting arrangements on devolution.
Report author: Nick Howe
Publication date: 02/09/2020
Date of decision: 01/09/2020
Decided at meeting: 01/09/2020 - Cabinet
Accompanying Documents: