Decision Maker: Strategic Director for Growth and Regeneration
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
Following Cabinet approval to commence the council house building programme on 20 January 2020, we provide notice of a Key Decision to proceed with the development of 26 new social rented homes on the above sites including appropriation of land and procurement of a building contractor.
1. The council to build new council housing for rent at Copley Avenue, Meltham; Ings Road & Listing Court, Liversedge; Knowl Grove, Mirfield and William Street, Ravensthorpe subject to securing satisfactory planning consents for the proposals detailed in Section 2 of the accompanying report.
2. To appropriate land at William Street from the General Fund to the Housing Revenue Account in order to carry out the development
3. To appropriate all land for planning purposes subject to securing planning permission for the development detailed in Section 2 of the accompanying report
4. To appropriate all land back to the Housing Revenue Account following the appropriation for planning purposes
5. To procure a contractor to construct the development in accordance with the procurement route set out in paragraph 3 of the accompanying report.
Publication date: 21/06/2021
Date of decision: 19/07/2021