Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) and Technical Advice Notes are produced to provide guidance on the implementation of Local Plan policies to provide clarity for all parties in the planning process.
The aims of the Kirklees Quality Places Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) and the Biodiversity Net Gain Technical Advice Note are set out below:
· Housebuilder Design Guide SPD - aims to ensure future housing development is high quality, socially inclusive and built to high environmental standards.
· House Extensions and Alterations SPD - aims to help householders, developers, and architects planning extensions/alterations to an existing residential property.
· Open Space SPD - detailed guidance on the requirements for different types of open space, sports and recreation provision to serve new housing developments.
· Biodiversity Net Gain Technical Advice Note – applies to all major developments and provides clarity for applicants how to achieve biodiversity net gain through developments. This includes the introduction of 10% biodiversity net gain as a desirable outcome. Once the law is in place the council will seek to produce an SPD.
Once adopted by the Cabinet, these documents would become a material consideration in determining planning applications.
The documents above would replace existing Supplementary Planning Guidance which would be revoked at the same Cabinet meeting:
· Design Guidance for Local Distinctiveness: Erection of Domestic Extensions
Householders Guide to Dormer and Other Roof Extensions
1) That the quality places Supplementary Planning Documents be adopted, and that approval be given to the Biodiversity Net Gain Technical Advice Note.
2) That the related Supplementary Planning Guidance (‘Design Guidance for Local Distinctiveness: Erection of Domestic Extensions’ and ‘Householders Guide to Dormer and Other Roof Extensions’) be revoked and be replaced by the House Extensions and Alterations Supplementary Planning Document.
3) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director for Growth & Regeneration to make any further minor modifications to the documents that relate exclusively to factual updates, grammatical and formatting corrections for the purposes of publishing the documents.
4) That an impact assessment be carried out and the report be considered at a future meeting.
Report author: John Buddle
Publication date: 24/06/2021
Date of decision: 22/06/2021
Decided at meeting: 22/06/2021 - Cabinet
Effective from: 30/06/2021
Accompanying Documents: