Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Kirklees Council is the lead organisation and accountable body for the White Rose Forest.
The WRF has been offered funds from the ‘‘Nature for Climate’ - Northern Forest programme and the Forestry Commission’s Urban Tree Challenge Fund.
Cabinet approval is required for Kirklees Council to enter into two grant agreements to receive and administer these funds.
The Northern Forest grant and Urban Tree Challenge grant will fund activity in North and West Yorkshire.
1) That approval be given for the Council as the accountable body for the White Rose Forest to enter into a grant agreement with the Community Forest Trust for funding from the Nature for Climate - Northern Forest fund.
2) That approval be given to enter into a grant agreement with the Forestry Commission for funding from the Urban Tree Challenge programme.
3) That approval be given to receive capital and revenue funding from the ‘Nature for Climate Fund’ – Northern Forest fund and the Urban Tree Challenge Fund, both as the accountable body for the White Rose Forest and the Northern Forest Urban Tree Challenge Fund and as a grant recipient.
4) That approval be given to enter into both capital and revenue grant agreements (in the Council’s capacity as accountable body) with the other parties to the White Rose Forest Project and the Northern Forest Urban Tree Challenge Fund (from time to time).
5) That approval be given to enter into grant agreements (in the Council’s capacity as accountable body) with third party landowners who are not party to the White Rose Forest Project joint venture agreement.
6) That approval be given to use the grant funding to recruit and, or procure the resources required to deliver the programme over multiple years.
7) That approval be given to pursue and secure further funding including match-funding opportunities to support the creation of the Northern Forest.
Publication date: 16/12/2021
Date of decision: 14/12/2021
Decided at meeting: 14/12/2021 - Cabinet
Effective from: 22/12/2021
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