Issue - meetings

Review of the Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2018/19

Meeting: 30/05/2017 - Cabinet (Item 7:)

7: Review of the Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 523 KB

A report seeking approval for an 8-week Council Tax Reduction Scheme consultation process.


Officer: Debbie Hogg 01484 221000



1)    That the options for redesign of the Council’s Council Tax Reduction Scheme, as detailed within the report, be noted.

2)    That approval be given for an 8 week Council Tax Reduction Scheme consultation process to be undertaken.

3)    That the Service Director – Finance, IT and Transactional Services be given delegated responsibility to progress the consultation exercise and prepare the Council for any changes that may occur from the proposed options.

4)    That a report detailing the outcome of the consultation exercise be submitted to a future meeting of Cabinet.