15: Preparing for “30 hour free childcare” for working parents PDF 409 KB
A report providing an update on the preparations to meet the demand for “30 hours free childcare” from September 2017 and seeking approval for a capital scheme to meet future demand in Holme Valley North.
Officer: Martin Wilby: 01484 221000
1. That work undertaken to ensure that there are sufficient childcare places available in Kirklees to meet future demand using the existing childcare market management framework be noted.
2. That the £339,000 grant received in relation to the Honley childcare capital scheme outlined in paragraph 2.17 of the considered report, along with the allocation of £227,000 from the 2016/17 early years capital budget, be noted.
3. That officers be authorised to procure and deliver the capital scheme as outlined at paragraph 2.17 of the considered report.