12: Ashbrow Housing Site – Contract and Land Disposal PDF 542 KB
A report seeking authority for the Council to enter in to a contract with a development partner for the Ashbrow Housing site, and dispose of the land to that partner.
Officer: Liz Jefferson
Wards: Ashbrow
1) That approval be given to dispose of the land at less than best consideration to the preferred bidder, as detailed in the considered report.
2) That approval be given to the use of the capital receipt from the disposal of the land to subsidise the provision of additional affordable homes.
3) That the opportunity for Homes and Communities Agency funding, as ser out in paragraph 3.3.5 of the considered report, be noted and that approval be given for officers to pursue this funding opportunity.
4) That the previous decision of Cabinet (dated 7 February 2017) to delegate authority to the Assistant Director (Legal, Governance and Monitoring) , now Service Director (Legal, Governance and Commissioning), to finalise and enter into all appropriate contracts, deeds and documents in relation to the appointment of a preferred bidder, in consultation with the Assistant Director (Place), now Service Director (Economy, Regeneration and Culture) and the Service Director (Commercial, Regulatory and Operational Services), be noted and re-confirmed.