9: New Affordable Housing - Golcar, Huddersfield PDF 185 KB
To consider a proposal to build 8 new 2 bedroom, 4 person properties for General Needs social housing rent on council owned land at Sycamore Avenue and Leymoor Avenue, Golcar, Huddersfield
Ward: Golcar
Officer: Helen Geldart, Head of Housing, Kirklees Council Tel: 01484 221000, and Asad Bhatti, Head of Asset Management, KNH Tel: 01484 221000
(1) That approval be given to progress the Golcar Housing scheme.
(2) That approval be given to the proposed procurement approach, namely the use of the Efficiency North Framework and the appointment of GS Kelsey.
(3) That authority be delegated to the Service Director (Legal, Governance and Commissioning) to finalise and enter in to all appropriate contracts, deeds and documents in relation to the appointment of the design and build contractor in consultation with the Service Director (Economy, Regeneration and Culture).