13: North Kirklees Growth Zone PDF 3 MB
The North Kirklees Growth Zone strategy, delivery and financial plans are due for consideration by Cabinet in summer 2018, post consideration of the Local
Plan. The report seeks authorisation to progress some of the opportunities that have arisen as a result of external funding announcements.
Wards: Dewsbury South, Dewsbury East and Dewsbury West
Contact: Stephen Jagger, Housing Commissioning Manager Tel: 01484 221000
That the proposals set out in the report, plus the following specific recommendations, be approved:-
Dewsbury Riverside
1) That the Service Director Housing and the Service Director for Economy, Regeneration & Culture, be authorised to enter into negotiation with Miller Homes with a view to disposal of the Council land asset as detailed in appendix D. The final terms of that negotiation and any disposal of assets being subject of a further report.
2) That the Service Director Housing and the Service Director for Economy, Regeneration & Culture, be authorised to enter into negotiation with Miller Homes in respect of the Memorandum of Understanding as detailed in appendix A of this report. Final acceptance and amendments of a non-fundamental nature being delegated to the Service Director Housing and the Service Director for Economy, Regeneration & Culture Service in consultation with relevant portfolio holder(s) subject to them being to the satisfaction of the Service Director Legal, Governance and Commissioning.
Dewsbury Town Centre
1) That resources of £290k be approved to support the THI contribution to implement the Dewsbury Better Spaces Public Realm scheme at Pioneer House.
2) That the Service Director Housing and the Service Director for Economy, Regeneration & Culture be authorised to progress the Dewsbury Better Spaces Public Realm scheme for Pioneer House as detailed in section 5.17 of the report.
3) That Cabinet agree to support a Heritage Action Zone for Dewsbury and provide match funding of £2m as detailed in sections 5.20-5.27.
4) That the Service Director Housing and Service Director for Economy, Regeneration & Culture, be authorised to finalise the detail of the HAZ Delivery Plan with Heritage England and to negotiate a Memorandum of Understanding with Historic England for delivery of the HAZ Programme, that final acceptance of the Delivery plan and MoU be delegated to the Service Director Housing and the Service Director for Economy, Regeneration & Culture Service in consultation with relevant portfolio holder(s).