13: Corporate Financial Monitoring Report Quarter 1 for 2018/19 PDF 706 KB
To inform Cabinet of the financial monitoring for general fund revenue, Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and Capital Plan, as at Quarter 1 (month 3), 2018-19.
Wards: All
Officer: James Anderson, Senior Finance Manager
1) That approval be given to the offset of the High Needs Pressure in-year with £5.0m Minimum Revenue Provision saving released back into the general fund.
2) That the Quarter 1 forecast £4.4m revenue monitoring overspend be noted.
3) That the expectation that Strategic Directors work to identify opportunities for spending plans to be collectively brought back in line within the Council’s overall budget by year end be noted.
4) That approval be given to the proposal to place the additional £2.8m adult social care resources into a reserve and draw down against spend over a two year period.
5) That the forecast reduction in general fund reserves and balances in-year at £2.6m and year end position at £86.2m be noted.
6) That the overall neutral in-year financial performance of the collection fund be noted.
7) That the Quarter 1 forecast HRA deficit at £293k and forecast reserves position at year end at £47.8m be noted.