17: Corporate Financial Monitoring Report Quarter 3 2018-19 PDF 483 KB
To receive information on financial monitoring for General Fund Revenue, Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and Capital Plan, as at Quarter 3 (month 10), 2018-19.
Wards: N/A
Officer(s): James Anderson, Senior Finance Manager and Sarah Hill, Finance Manager Tel: 01484 221000
1) That the Quarter 3 forecast £1.1m revenue monitoring overspend be noted.
2) That the expectation that Strategic Directors work to identify opportunities for spending plans to be collectively brought back in line with the Council’s overall budget by year end be noted.
3) That the additional in-year funding allocations for High Needs and Levy rebate announced as part of the 2019-2020 Finance Settlement and the Brexit funding allocation be noted.
4) That the forecast planned use of general fund earmarked reserves in-year, and the forecast year end position at £91.7m be noted.
5) That the anticipated overall forecast year end surplus of £5.8m on the Collection Fund be noted.
6) That the Quarter 3 forecast HRA surplus at £1.3m and forecast reserves position at year end of £54.1m be noted.
7) That the Quarter 3 forecast capital monitoring position, net of budgeted slippage, on line with budget, be noted.
8) That approval be given to the virement of £800k uncommitted capital budget from Risks and Pressures to support the Pioneer House Scheme.
9) That approval be given to the £500k commitment from the existing Town Centre Action Plan budget to contribute to the Pioneer House project.
10)That the proposed drawdown from the Strategic Investment Support reserve, for the proposed waste management revenue developments, be noted.
11)That approval be given to the garden waste containers and vehicles scheme (£1m) from the 2019-2020 Council approved capital plan, to enable early rollout from April 2019.
12)That the request for works to facilitate the relocation of Almondbury Library be approved.